Gowanus + Baseball = ?

Torkies? Gowanus Auras? Gowanus Baseball?
Okay, the Gowanus baseball thing isn't that off-base, given that a location on Third Avenue near Third Street is said to have been the site of Washington Park, where the Brooklyn Dodgers played from 1898-1912 and that a wall along Third Avenue is actually a remnant of some part of the park. The Times ran a story on the park back in February.
Just for the record, when you Google search "Gowanus" and "stink," which we just did on a whim as we were writing this, the No. 1 return is Gowanus Lounge and specifically a recent item on the Roebling Oil Field in Williamsburg. We only place third for "Gowanus" and "stench" but also come up No. 1 for "Gowanus" and "slime." We have achieved this status without the help of search engine placement consultants.
We are honored and humbled.
Damn your eyes! We had moved up to #2, then this post doinked us back down to the third slot. I hereby beckon you to join us in ridding cafepress from Google for our monopoly of a search.
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