Brooklyn Nibbles: Greenpoint & Williamsburg Edition

More developments to report on the food, drink and retail front in Greenpoint and Williamsburg:
1) There's a new restaurant opening at 43 Franklin (pictured above). No details available. The only record we found was a new restaurant-wine license that was granted to Isabella Beach LLC. There's an Isabella Beach in Puerto Rico, but we have no idea if that's an indication of where the place is heading.
2) 91 Greenpoint Avenue, meanwhile, is in the throes of becoming a new restaurant or as our correspondent puts it, possibly a "bar/grill."
3) Word Books is open at 126 Franklin Street and its appearance drives the Dog Shit Queen of Greenpoint to express great happiness that her beloved neighborhood finally has a cool English-language bookstore. She gives them "two enthusiastic thumbs up." When you've got Miss Heather saying things like that, you know you've done something right.
4) When we reported last week that Area Kids was opening in the Mini-Mall on Bedford Avenue, we neglected to mention the obvious: Sam & Seb, the children's store that's been on Bedford is now closed. A reader pointed this out, writing "I think you may have to subtract one children's store from the list. Sam & Seb on Bedford closed shop just a couple of weeks before Area Kids opened in the Mini Mall." Both that storefront and an adjacent one are now encased in plywood, and it's not like we haven't stared at them since the closure.
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