No Way One Way Organizing Continues in Park Slope

You don't see a lot of flyers posted in Park Slope calling for community protests, although Atlantic Yards activists certainly put their share up from time to time. The proposal to make Sixth and Seventh Avenue one-way thoroughfares so as to speed the flow of traffic through the neighborhood, possibly for the benefit of Atlantic Yards, is generating a significant backlash, however. Park Slope Neighbors has launched a petition drive and, yesterday, flyers like the one pictured above could be found at various spots through the neighborhood, including in shop windows. The meeting that residents are being urged to attend takes place tomorrow. We're sensing a large turnout.
Related Post:
Park Slope Neighbors Say "No Way" to One Way Streets
i always think sixth ave. is one way anyway-- and almost get hit by a car everyday. plan is good for idiots like me.
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