Sign of Spring: Time to Get Your Egg On in Prospect Park

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! (Actual spring, as demonstrated by yesterday's energizing weather, not technical spring, which has already been around for a week.) We know this because things are starting to bloom in and around Prospect Park and because the park is having an "Egg-O-Rama" staring on Saturday (3/31). The egg thing goes from Saturday through Tuesday, April 10 at the Audobon Center from Noon-5PM. It will include "egg crafts, eggsperiments, egg games, and special eggxibits." (We take no credit for writing those words, which is why we double-checked to make sure we'd put them in quotes.) There will be an egg hunt on Saturday, April 7, from 1-4 at the Audobon Center. The UniverSoul Circus will also be running in the park from April 18-May 6 in the Wollman Rink parking lot. You need tickets for the circus, though. Prices start at $10.
Saturday (3/31) is actually "Opening Day" in the park with a Little League Parade and special events. The Lefferts Historic House, the Carousel and the Prospect Park Zoo, are all open daily for Spring Break from March 31-April 10.
Can you tell GL is excited about Spring?
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