Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Notary District Update: The Bricolage Effect

Notary District Building

The building at the corner of Ninth Street and Smith Street, in what blogger 423 Smith amusingly dubbed "The Notary District," has come up fast. Its the handwork of Henry Radusky and the ubiquitous Bricolage Designs, a four-story, 50-foot high building with three units. Mr. Radusky has earned the nickname "Too Tall" for his many tall-ish building in low-rise neighborhoods. That's not so much the case with this one, but as you can see, Bricolage buildings are especially known for a lot of brick. Great transportation access comes with this one, as it's almost directly beneath the Smith-9th Street Station.

Related Post:
Radusky and Bricolage Come to the Notary District

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Blogger dalton said...

Speaking of the Notary District - has it been noted anywhere that Russo died? I seem to have missed the news, it happend about a month ago, I hear.

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been watching this hunk of bricks go up from the G on my daily commute to work and am amazed by how fast and how shitty the construction has been. Well, maybe not so amazed by the lousy construction...

12:38 AM  

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