360 Smith Street #1: Things Get Little Squirrelly

So, now, it looks like the Battle of 360 Smith Street has gone to the squirrels. Well, squirrel brochures, at least. We'll let the reader that emailed us the scan of the flyer being distributed outside the Carroll Street F Train stop (on trees that might be cut down to make way for construction) explain:
This morning dozens of very tiny pamphlets appeared on each of the trees on the F train subway plaza at Smith and 2nd Place. The brochures, apparently written by and for squirrels, were placed at the bottom of the trees, (squirrel height, I guess!) with a sign that said "Take Me." It seems the squirrels are angered that all the trees on the plaza will soon be cut down to make way for Scarano's building, and they will have no place to store their nuts. They are organizing a letter-writing campaign and taking the fight directly to Amanda Burden! Here is a photo and some scans of the actual brochure...We certainly give the Carroll Gardens crew working to change the 360 Smith building and, most recently, pushing for rezoning in the neighborhood, credit for having a sense of humor.

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Labels: Caroll Gardens
I am pleased to see the coverage of this important issue. We squirrels love this neighborhood for the same reasons that you humans do: the bakeries, the deep front gardens, the proliferation of children who leave their Veggie Booty on the ground, the quiet tree-lined streets, the bakeries, the small-town feeling and, finally, the bakeries. This is a grass-roots effort: we don't have a lot of money for lawyers, but we have a strong sense of community. We believe that a building this big is wrong for the neighborhood. The developers should not be allowed to define 2nd Place as a "wide street" (streets are measured from facade to facade, apparently, so those beautiful front gardens that define Carroll Gardens are considered part of the "street") This allows the developers to build a much, much larger building. We are appealing to Amanda Burden to prevent the developers from exploiting this loophole. I encourage everyone to click on this link and let Ms. Burden, our Chair of City Planning know how you feel on this issue: http://www.nyc.gov/html/mail/html/maildcp.html
Rocky Ferrarro
President, Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Squirrel Association
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