Williamsburg-Greenpoint "Town Hall" on Neighborhood Schools

Local public schools have been hit hard by displacement brought on by rapid gentrification and will face significant increases in student population as the number of residents increases by the tens of thousands. "It has been 2 years since the City passed its Rezoning Initiative, our community has been hit by a tidal wave of gentrification, but the Department of Education has yet to come here to discuss the future of our schools," says Kate Yourke, a meeting organizer. "We have schools half-empty from displacement, while most of the new families choose schools outside of District 14. Beginning with this Town Hall Meeting, our community is mobilizing so our schools can serve the needs of all our residents, and form a place where our children can build a lasting community here."
Discusion will include creating school budgets "based on real population numbers" and the "impact of thousands of new residents in the district."
Labels: Greenpoint, Williamsburg
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