Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Are People Getting Cranky About the Floating Pool?

[Photo entitled "Hellish Queue" courtesy of yanger/flickr]

We've seen a number of things over the last week or so, including a blog post yesterday, that indicate people might be getting a little tired of schleping to the Floating Pool in Brooklyn Heights and about waiting in long lines to get in under blazing summer sun. Everyone that gets into the pool, mind you, seems to really like it. The issue, it would appear, is the wait to get in, particularly on weekends. (We wondered aloud before it opened whether it would be overwhelmed with people, and the times we've seen the lines, they've been very, very long.) The post we're talking about appeared on Brooklyn Enthusiast. Here's a sample:
I was all ready to go with my towel and bathing suit but then the reality quickly set in that I wasn't the only person in Brooklyn with that idea.

I got to the pool and when I saw how long the line was to get a bracelet, we left. There was no way even if we got into line that we would make the next swim time of 5:00 pm and it was only 3:10 at that point.

I love that it's free and has become an accessible getaway on hot days like today for the many children in the city. It's such a great idea and I would totally pay to go if there was another less crowded location.
Meanwhile, we've seen an unending stream of emails about the pool, like this one that appeared in the Boerum Hill Group:
My husband took the B63 with our two children, aged 6 and 4. It was a longish, ugly, heavily trafficked walk from Atlantic Avenue to the pool. There was a two-hour wait for the pool on a weekday afternoon. They skipped it and went to DUMBO park.
In all fairness, a lot of weekdays are said to be far less crowded.


Blogger Crazy people on the A train said...

There are lots of other nice free pools in the city...go to nyc.gov and click on Parks and Recreation

8:29 AM  
Blogger Gary said...

In all fairness, there is a giant, beautiful pool right in Red Hook, and if I'm not mistaken, another one in Fort Greene.

I love a new thing as much as the next guy, but there is more than one pool in Brooklyn.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. I just wanted to say that I've had a very different experience at the Floating Pool. My first time, was about 3 weeks ago. I went on a Tuesday, walked right up and received a bracelet and had planned ahead, so only had an hour to wait for the pool. I think that with such public amenities, one must realize that a grace time period will be necessary and prepare accordingly. The volleyball, soccer and sand areas are perfect for kids to play(as long as you come prepared), not to mention the sprinklers they have going that occupied my 3 year old the entire time we waited.
I think that the floating pool is really a great thing for Brooklyn. The unsightly walk over is a little harsh for first timers, but only to be expected for being so close to the BQE, AND the shuttle bus will take you right past it.

I guess I'm just disappointed to seeing it get such negative energy. I think that such an incredible FREE amenity should be regarded with open arms. It makes me believe that the writer of this article has never been, to highlight such negative feedback.

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't please some people. What in this city that's worth going to is NOT crowded with a long line to get in? This was an awesome idea and a fantastic public work, if anything there should just be more projects like this.

7:58 PM  
Blogger Fairfield Mom said...

I would prefer to go during a weekday when it's less crowded but I am stuck at work until 6 pm. I think I may try the Red Hook pool which someone else suggested to me.

11:30 AM  

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