Brooklinks: Wednesday Touch of Color Edition

[A note from the GL management: Broolinks was missing earlier today due to prolonged bout of internet access that began just as we were about to post them. More to the point, however, we will traveling and covering a lot of miles and time zones over the next 24 hour. Tomorrow's posts will either be put up early or somewhat late, timing and internet availability depending.]
- Car-Free Hours Extended in Prospect Park [Streets Blog]
- Road Closing in Prospect Park [NYT]
- New Restrictions for Drivers in Prospect Park [City Room]
- Brooklyn Council Members Would Vote Against Fare Hike Over F Express [2nd Ave Sagas]
- Will Two Trees Atlantic Ave. Proposal Get Chopped [Brownstoner]
- Boerum Place Sidewalk Improvements Outlined [110 Livingston]
- Your Carroll Gardens Isn't Their Carroll Gardens [Curbed]
- Humboldt Street Maze Condo [Brownstoner]
- Coney Hoopla Links [Kinetic Carnival]
- Final Week for Dumbo Outdoor Sculpture Show [Dumbo NYC]
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