Check Out Brian Lehrer's SUV Survey Results

Remember that "crowdsourcing" experiment that the Brian Lehrer Show was doing, recruiting people to count the number of SUVs on their block? Well, the results are in. There were more than 450 submissions. On average, SUVs made up nearly 1/3 of the vehicles parked on an average block. Interestingly, Brooklyn blocks had slightly less SUVs on average than Manhattan ones. The lowest SUV count (as a percentage of parked vehicles) actually came from Kensington; the highest SUV count came from Paterson, NJ. Who knew? On the map above, yellow means that under 25 percent of vehicles were SUVS and green means between 25 and 50 percent. Blue is between 50 and 75 percent SUV and purple is greater than 75 percent. Greater than 75 percent? Woah. More analysis on the show today at 11 and check out the full results and map here on WNYC's website.
Labels: Transportation
Well, SUVs are actually irresistible especially with good looking nerf bars.
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