Brooklinks: Saturday Very Visual Edition

- Revere Remainders [A Test of Will]
- Gowanus in the Fall [burntsienna]
- Miguel's Locksmith [Frank Lynch/flickr]
- Williamsburg Skyline [Blue Jake]
- Ellis G. Was Here [Pardon Me for Asking]
- Carroll Sreet Crossing [Atomische]
- Rambo Truck [Luna Park/flickr]
- Brooklyn Backyard [seriously excited!]
- Red Hook Park [A Test of Will]
- Pet Pigeon, Coney Island [Park Slope Street Photography]
- Greenpoint Is the Bomb [newyorkshitty]
- Dolphin Spotted in Coney Island Creek [NYDN]
- Brooklyn House of D is Now a Set for a TV Shoot [110 Livingston]
- The Only Pedicab in Brooklyn [NYT]
- Around Windsor Terrace [Icky in Brooklyn]
- Filming Causes Parking Disaster [McBrooklyn]
- Teen Robbed at Gunpoint at Borough Park ATM [NY1]
- Exorcising the Dodgers, Redux [AYR]
- More Kids Programs at the Bedford Library [Bed-Stuy Blog]
- Park Slope Real Estate Sales, Circa 1902 [Icky in Brooklyn]
- Home Invasion Robbery in Gerritsen Beach [NY1]
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