Sunday, September 09, 2007

On the Sofa: GL Reader Comments

Here's a sampling of some of the comments left by GL readers during the last week:

Terrier Menaced by Skateboard & What's Up With Bicyclists? "...something I've been really trying to do lately is follow the rules of the road; stopping at traffic lights, yielding to peds, riding with traffic etc. At the end of the day it only adds minimal time to my commute, and I don't come home foaming at the mouth with road rage. As a bonus, I'm occasionallly rewarded with zenlike rides where it all clicks, I make every green light, the weathers perfect, smirking at my fellow cyclist who hasn't learned this and is yelling f*** words at cab drivers etc. I think if we want cars to follow the rules, cyclists have to abide by them as well. That doesn't mean that parking in the bike lane, looking at me then looking away while jaywalking right into my path, the taxi cab cut off turn is right etc, etc." [Anonymous]

Terrier Menaced by Skateboard & What's Up With Bicyclists? "I bike to work every day through "ProHi" and "PaSlo", I ride in the bike lane when there is one, I wear a helmet, I have a light and a bell (ding! ding!) and I am quite conservative when it comes to intersections after being blindsided, doored and run off the road so many times." [Anonymous]

Why Brooklyn is Better: Aggressive Geese and Biting Raccoons "Its true about the geese. The ducks are fine though. I"ve fed them several times, the geese will just get closer and closer and completely surround you and then start making grabs at your bread bag. Its very intimidating. Go give it a shot. Now when I go I make sure to find an area where there are no geese around." [Anonymous]

Coney Island Deathwatch: The Plywood Rundown "Maybe Joe Sitt thought Thor was the god of destruction and blight." [Anonymous]



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