On the Sofa: GL Reader Comments
Subway "Potty Time" on the Way to the Park Slope Food Coop "Would she do the same with her incontinent grandmother? When my bundle of joy arrives, I do solemnly swear that the little squirt will NOT be wagging his willy in public no matter how urgent the need. I also swear to NEVER use "just wait 'til you have kids" as an excuse. Personally, I'm OK with public nudity. It's the urinating that, er, pisses me off. What if that cute red bowl were to spill if the subway lurched as she was holding the kid?" [Dope on the Slope]
Subway "Potty Time," Continued "wait, can someone explain to me why he couldn't just go in his diaper, which was about to be changed anyways? and who the fuck carries around a portable toilet in their bag? guess she's never heard Erykah Badu's 'Bag Lady." That being said, some of us are NOT too 'self-absorbed' to notice this kind of behavior. If the child is still wearing diapers, that's the only place he should be pissing. Save the portable potty business for your home." [Anonymous]
Gowanus Whole Foods Delayed Until '09 "to HELL with the green shit already, let them build so I can buy their gosh damned food!!! The site is a shit hole--you want to keep it that way?" [Anonymous]
Carroll Gardens Developer Addresses the 'Scarano Issue' "When a position doesn't pass the 'sniff test', responsibility should clearly be borne by both the architect and developer. When a '3 story' building clearly looks like a 6 story building, alarm bells should ring. The regulatory failures he cites, are incorrect as they were caused by Scarano's ability to self-certify, which have been revoked. Mr. Stein is doing the best job he can, defending someone who has caused untold harm to the industry, by being the most egregious culprit of advantage-taking and rule-bending." [Anonymous]
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