Hint of Controversy Over Carroll Gardens "Town Hall" Meeting?

There will be a CGNA meeting on Monday, November 19, from 6:30-8:30 at PS 58. The major theme of the meeting will be re-zoning and landmarking of Carroll Gardens - up to 100 feet west of Bond Street. Questions will be written on cards and a panel of "experts" will try to answer them.Given the array of issues and questions in the neighborhood--ranging from rezoning to the expansion of the tiny Carroll Gardens Historic District and individual developments--the meeting should be an interesting one.
There is a push on the part of some members of CGNA to limit the questions narrowly to the two themes. I strongly urge a large presence and a strong attempt to ask the questions which need some answers.
Labels: Carroll Gardens
Thanks for your post in re: the CGNA Town Hall meeting-you did raise a Q or two, and I would like to clarify on a point.
First, the August TH Meeting was sponsored by Bill DeBlasio at the Scotto Funeral Home. Ys, there was an overflow crowd. The CGNA is hosting the TH M at PS 58 anticipating numbers on Nov. 19.
Second, are you referring to the CGNA Yahoo group as the CGA Mailing list? If not, where is it?
Altho the details are still in progress,perhaps a brief sketch of the The Nov 19 meeting format will alleviate some concerns. The THM is set up to focus on the land use protections available thru the City; zoning and land marking in particular. Yes, there will be an informed (perhaps expert) panel. Their presentations will be question driven; the CGNA will be asking for Q's from the CGNAYahoo group starting this weekend. Have a Q you want to include? Post it there.
At the THM on the 19th, cards will be distributed at the door and collected thruout the presentation. The cards can be used for Q's or comments to the panelists. The moderator will pose Q's to the panel at his discretion.
This Town Hall meeting has a specific objective and panel:It is not intended to replace the monthly general meetings. A broader agenda will be covered at the General Meeting on Monday, Dec.10.
We have questions and we are looking for answers. Suddenly the otherwise lackluster topic of "Land Use"- a heavily legislated, complicated issue is right next door or facing us across the street. As more people enter the disussion the starting point is often opinion, rather than fact. It only makes sense that people have lots to say about it- it hits home (;)).
The startling number of high end residential buildings under construction is effectively changing CG-replacing the human scale neighborliness with high rise hussle. Why can't we have a say in what happens to our neighborhood? Who says the only development has to be luxe by professional high end developers? What about apartments and starter homes- for sale or rent within the price range of our under $50K population? We want to keep growing and welcoming at every level- the energy and mix is what keeps our streets active and safe.
The CGNA volunteers live in and love the neighborhood. We are the residents reminding the pols and the press that we want a say in what happens here. This is where we speak as one voice- we want to be recognized and included in any decisions about our neighborhood.
Thanks for keeping our issues front and center!
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