Rough Going Ahead for Zoning Proposal?

It appears those zoning amendments being pushed by the American Institute of Architects that could result in bulkier, taller buildings and that have upset some community activists in Brooklyn could be in for some rough going. The proposals had flown way below the radar--and still is in the sense of broad public recognition, the way most zoning matters are--but have gained some visibility. Before Thanksgiving, Aaron Brashear of Concerned Citizens of Greenwood Heights noted of the Borough hearing on the changes:
It was obvious the AIA and CPC [City Planning Commission] should have been smarter and done public outreach way before the holiday season's time line (this process has been going on 3 YEARS, unbeknown to most in the room) and given everyone time to discuss the pros and cons of their recommendations. Some of the other CB reps definitely "woke up" and realized the implications of the zoning text changes. I hope they will take it back to their Boards and discuss further.Another email now circulating says that, "It seems the AIA along with City Planning were trying to sneak this proposal through" and notes that there is some opposition to it on the City Council in its current form. There is significant sentiment that the amendments could be a way to get around some of the changes that contextual rezonings in areas like the South Slope are trying to accomplish. Public comments are due by January 7, but we would guess there will be requests to extend the deadline. More developments to follow, no doubt.
Labels: Rezoning
CM Tony Avella has made it very clear in a recent meeting with the AIA that either they voluntarily withdraw the ULUP and work with the City Council, Community Boards and civic groups or there will be a sh*tstorm to follow in protest and a vote of NO by him when the ULURP gets to his Land Use Committee.
Go Tony!
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