Revere Sugar A Year Later: Thor's Work is Almost Done

Demolition permits to level Red Hook's iconic Revere Dome were issued on December 6, 2006. A couple of days later, crews working for developer Joe Sitt and Thor Equities were on site starting prep work for the big tear down. The job continued through the winter, spring, summer and into the fall. (For those with demolition porn nostalgia, you can watch the Revere Dome diminish over the months by clicking here.) Now, a year later, almost nothing remains on the Revere site and work is still going on. A huge vacant plot of land sticking out into the water next to the blue-and-yellow Ikea, the Revere site is now ready for development or for sale as a cleared property. Critical, necessary zoning changes not included.
Labels: Red Hook, Thor Equities
A bit misleading, considering it is a HUGE brown field site. May be in 5 years we'll be looking at a BSA variance appeal and development. Till then, don't see it happening.
I think that you meant to say December 6th, 2006, not 2007!
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