360 Smith Developer Reluctant "to Put Certain Things in Writing"?

If you missed it at the last CGNA meeting Billy Stein has requested a personal appearance at the next meeting. I anticipate he will be prepared to answer all of your questions regarding the project. With the world of blogging I can sympathize why he would not want to put certain things in writing. It limits the ability to debate and answer follow up questions in real time before information is posted.At his last appearance before the CGNA, Mr. Stein showed revised sketches of the 360 Smith building but refused to allow the rendering to be photographed. He also asked all journalists (not just online ones) not to quote anything he said.
Labels: Carroll Gardens, Smith Street
Nice tie, Billy. Now, answer the questions. Or hire a green designer. Give back to a community you will be hurting with your indifference.
67 questions? seems excessive and borderline obnoxious. edit it down to the essentials. your major points are getting lost amongst the nitpicking.
The man's a weasel.
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