Beat the Downzone: Grand Street Olympics Edition

On Tuesday, we ran an item about weekend work that developers hoping to build a 14-story Karl Fischer building at Grand and Driggs have been doing. Presumably, they are working to get out in front of a downzoning that would allow a four-story building on the site. If a foundation is complete before the downzone, the taller building can go up. In most neighborhood, such situations have led to significant amounts of after-hours and weekend work as well as charges of forged documents and other practices to try to get projects approved. In any case, photos of work that took place on Sunday were forwarded to us yesterday and are above. (The photo below is from a different day and is included as some demolition porn.) Here is bit of the email that came with them:
These are photos taken by a number of people on with different views of the construction site. They show the dust, a wrong way truck on the street, work on Sunday before 9am and lack of hardhats for workers...All indications are that it will be a long few months on Grand Street. Residents are working to try to speed the approval process on the downzoning, but they're also hoping for honest enforcement (or just-plain enforcement) of building rules. We look forward to an array of photos and videos from residents documenting any illegal or unsafe work. As always, readers are invited to send photos and information about this or any other development site to thegowanuslounge (at) gmail (dot) com.

Labels: Construction Issues, Rezoning, Williamsburg
I'm rooting for Karl. Unpopular opinion I'm sure, but the more new development throughout Williamsburg, the better the overall investment to the neighborhood in the long run. Go Karl!
There is more to it than just finishing the foundation.
Just ask the people in South Slope.
The plans have to be complete and compliant. If they are self certified but not complete and compliant then the neighbors can ask that the job is stopped until they are "Complete and Compliant"
If (as has been the case on many Radusky projects) the plans were rubber stamped by the DOB then the neighbors should get an architect who is familiar with zoning reg's to look them over.
Above all else remember that on vesting day - "All excavation has to be complete, the foundation has to be complete and the plans that are on file have to be complete and compliant"
If the foundation is not complete then the developer will ask the BSA for a variance, which is granted - 99.99 percent of the time.
The neighbors should keep track of all illegal work so that when if the developer goes to the BSA they can counter that what ever work was done was done illegally and should not be counted.
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