Brooklyn Nibbles: Frankies 457 as It Expands

A special Carroll Gardens correspondent who's been keeping an eye on the southern reaches of Court Street for us sent along these photos of the exterior of the space that will be the expansion of Frankies 457. Our friends at Eater had a look inside last month, and it's unclear what's up except that it's a major expansion and that it's a significant undertaking that will take some time.

Labels: Brooklyn Nibbles, Carroll Gardens
Though Frankie's may take the prize for posing as a neighborhood institution, I am happy they are expanding. The one night I sat at their bar in a space of a small fusilage, I witnessed frantic diners rushing and/or bolting through the doors to get their place in line. I was almost sent flying to the curb when I tried to leave, the on queue chatter of waiting patrons became too much. Perhaps this expansion will include a new entrance and or, hello? reservations? And possibly the escaltion of classic drinks like the Old Fashioned removed from the drink menu. The drink I ordered was NOT my Father's drink, but, some supersized specaialty drink made for those barely past 21. All this aside, the place is pleasant enough and tasteful. Blending in with the block, tasty foods etc. But, that logo! The indecipherable, squint inducing hodge-podge of what? A globe? A French bulldog's face? Please Frankie, what the hell IS IT???
That would be the "Exclusion" of...bad typo and redundant..ugh. I'm too tired to comment.
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