Time to Sound Off: G Train Hearing Coming

This could be one of the most riveting City Council hearings to be held in a long time: on April 8 the City Council Transportation Committee will be having an oversight hearing on G Train service. The announcement was made by committee Chair Chair John Liu yesterday. The release announcing the session said that "Witnesses from the MTA will be asked to speak about ridership data, plans for the future, conditions, and other issues regarding G line service, and the public is also encouraged to testify about their own experiences." The hearing is at 1PM in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. There is a City Council resolution calling on the MTA to immediately improve G Train serve and not implement any service cuts. In circulating the announcement, the Save the G Train group says:
For all of you who've been endlessly frustrated by the roller coaster ride that is G line service levels, Save The G is asking you to turn out in force on April 8th. Riders from Queens AND Brooklyn have been affected by the MTA's various management decisions and random service changes.Updates at the Save the G blog.
If you'd like to more directly help spread the word about the hearing, Save The G can certainly use your help. Please reach out to savetheg@yahoo.com with your contact information, noting what sort of advocacy contributions you can make, and we'll be sure to thank you in person on April 8th. This is a major opportunity for G riders to speak and be heard; let's make the most of it!
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