"i just found a puppy - looks like a pitbull mix, black with brown stripes, approximately 2 months old. I found him near the church on the corner of 6th Ave and St. Johns. I rang a few doorbells nearby to see if the puppy had runaway but no one seemed to know anything. I picked him up and brought him home with me and he's in company of my own dog. If anyone has lost a puppy, please contact me at paagal2@yahoo.com. I unfortunately had to leave for work but will go home this evening and put up some signs around the neighborhood. If no one claims him, i'll have to take him to the ASPCA (can't keep another dog in my apartment). Would love to cause he's adorable!"--BrooklynianLabels: Animals, Park Slope
I saw a sign for a missing dog near Conneticut Muffins on 15th St yesterday that matches the description of the pup you found (at corner of Prospect Park West & 15th) on a tree or pole that is on the same portion of street at the Conneticut Muffin. If I can make it up there again, I'll take note of the phone number/contact info and post it here/let them know of this posting.
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