Thursday, July 06, 2006

Prospect Heights Condo Board Reminder: No Sex on the Roof!!!

In the It Must Have Been a Wild Fourth of July category, Curbed got and posted the following e-mail that went out to residents of an undisclosed Prospect Heights condo today:
Residents and their guests are not allowed to engage in sexual acts on the roof or in any other area outside of the privacy of a unit. A couple was observed engaged in sex on the roof (not the 4th floor deck) outside the stairwell by the 10th floor compactor shoot. Please be respectful of our building's residents, which includes children of all ages, and our guests. Also, remember that unit owners are responsible for the actions of their guests.

This particular situation could have been very embarrassing to the unit owner that observed the situation as they had guests over the weekend and the culprits were plainly visible from a unit owner's deck. Personally, I hope that this is the last time a matter like this has to be brought to the Board's attention.
To this email missive, Gowanus Lounge can add absolutely nothing.


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