Revere Sugar Death Row Report: Skinned Alive

Thor Equities appears to be killing the Red Hook waterfront's preeminent landmark slowly, at least for now. This weekend, workers were hacking at the skin of the former Revere Sugar plant. They were peeling out walls, exposing entire sections and poking holes in the building. It appears that Breeze, the demolition firm that Thor has hired to conduct the execution, is working on removing the exterior before moving with heavy equipment to complete the task. Today's Daily News reports that as many as six buildings mixing residential and commerical uses, rising up to four stories, are planned for the site. (That is, if the developer wins the development fight that is sure to develop over the site. Whether bitterness over Revere's fate and the way in which Thor Equities went about destroying a neighborhood landmark fuels the debate is unclear. We did not in discussions with some people in the neighborhood this weekend a degree of anger that no discussion took place before the demolition hammer started coming down.)
We noted workers wearing breathing gear to do the job. Ironically, an indie film named Life in Flight--which is about development and architecture--was shooting across the water at the Beard Street Warehouses, and a film crew member was stationed on the Revere property to quiet the workers when scenes were being shot. Periodically, the horrendous sounds of Revere's death--hammering, banging and sawing--could be heard coming across the water. At one point, a worker wheeled out what looked like a gurney, to carry off pieces of fallen facade.

More like the glorious sounds of Revere's death. This couldn't have happened soon enough. You guys use the word "landmark" a bit too liberally. It is an out of use sugar refinery - nothing more. Glad to see something else will finally be done with it.
How I mourn the death of this building! This land was so much better when all you could do with it was stare from an adjacent pier. Shame on this company for tearing down rotting metal and displacing all those pigeons!!! How dare they try to erect something that may bring more utility to humanity than the employment of a single night watchman.
Bullshit. The development of the site will increase the property values--and therefore the rents--of Red Hook. It will further impoverish an already impoverished community. I'd rather live next to an abandoned factory than something or someone that is going to give my landlord reason to raise my rent. Unless the new development consists of a unionized workforce earning a true living wage with full benefits and/or 100% affordable housing, the destruction of this landmark will be a negative impact on the neighborhood and the city.
Oh yeah...increasing property value..what a terrible thing. So you'd rather live next to an abandoned factory than something or someone that is going to give your landlord reason to raise your rent? Well when you live next to an abandoned factory, there isn't really anywhere to go but up, so pretty much anything that goes there will increase property value. So basically, you don't want anything in its place...too bad! It's not your property so what you want there is irrelevant. On the other hand, it is Thor's property, so what they want there is very relevant. Can't wait to see that property value increase :)
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