Friday, December 22, 2006

Smile, You're on Ratner TV

Developer Bruce Ratner may not have any youtube Christmas Carols, but he has some kick ass CCTV. (He also has Atlantic Yards, pending judicial decisions so, like, who needs youtube vids? Old Media is fine for Mr. R.) Call it Bruce Vision or Ratvision or TeleRaton or whatever you'd like, but Develop Don't Destroy found 27 Ratner cameras keeping an eye on the goings on in the Atlantic Yards footprint:
We walked the Dean Street and Pacific street blocks bounded by 5th Avenue, Vanderbilt Avenue and Flatbush Avenue, to tally up the number of Surveillance City Ratner Eyes in the Sky. We counted 27. Check it out.

Now that we've completed this exercise, we're wondering: It's not enough for Forest City Ratner to have hung the threat of eminent domain over the footprint for over 3 years, but now they must monitor the inhabitants with surveillance cameras? Why?
So, if you've walked in the area and had a funny feeling you were being watched, it wasn't entirely a feeling about which you should chat with your therapist. You are being watched.

Maybe they can get Frank Gehry to design some cameras, that like, blend with his undulating design? Could be whole new product line, Mr. Gehry. Think about it.



Blogger Unknown said...

Thank god someone's saving me from myself...

Can I imagine something out of Sliver, where Bruce is sitting behind a consul getting his kicks watching tenants?

Because that would explain his creep smile...

10:09 AM  

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