Der Bunker on Bond Looking Great

The windowless wall of the building on Bond Street that we've taken to calling Der Bunker because it reminds us of a World War II something or other, at least in its cinder block form, is coming along, albeit very slowly. It has added another window-less floor on the Carroll Street side since we last paid it any attention in December. You can check out our earlier post about Der Bunker here. All we'll say right now is that installing the windows shouldn't take long. Oh, and what the hell are those little rectangular holes in the wall?
I noticed that too (the no windows) ! I live on Bond St and this building is sure is ugly....there are rumors about my strip of buildings (between 1rst &2nd) is going bye-bye....i really don't care for this "new" Brooklyn...I know that everything changes but how come the changes are always for the upper classes?
trying hard to stay positive
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