Bake Sale to Help Save Williamsburg's Domino Sugar Plant

Given that demolition is an Olympic Sport in Brooklyn, how do you try to help promote the preservation of a historic Williamsburg industrial landmark? If you're the Waterfront Preservation Alliance of Greenpoint and Williamsburg, you team up with the City Reliquary to co-sponsor a "Don’'t Demo Domino Bake Sale and Q & A." The baked good that will be on sale are made with Domino Sugar (of course) and the event will take place on Saturday, March 24th from 7-9pm at the City Reliquary, which is at 370 Metropolitan Avenue in Williamsburg. The WPA says it will offer "informal yet informative talks on the history and the future of the Domino Sugar Factory, and answer community questions." Proceeds will benefit the City Reliquary and the Waterfront Preservation Alliance. The Domino property, of course, is slated for redevelopment and preservationists are trying to save the largest surviving waterfront remnant of North Brooklyn's industrial past.
The building is a serious hazard to the community. Its full of rodents. It smells bad. The bricks are so worn out, they might fall down on pedestrians one day. It has to be demolished.
I hope that your Bake Sale and Q&A went well.
This is a great building and I'm sure it is an important part of the historic, cultural, and aesthetic fabric of the area.
Hum. The bricks are wearing out? In my experience the folks like the previous poster are the first ones to come running after the "blighted building" gets rehabbed into a hipster retail/gallery/loft complex. And that's OK.
Keep fighting the good fight.
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