Trolley Tracks on Union Street in Carroll Gardens

One of our kind readers sent us the photo above of trolley tracks on Union Street just east of Smith Street that have been unearthed during construction. So, we passed by yesterday (we owe our reader, because we wandered past this scene on Saturday on the other side of the street and didn't even notice the tracks sitting there. Duh.) and found the unearthed rails sitting by the curb and snapped a few more daytime shots. The Union Street line was apparently discontinued in 1945 and we don't know when the tracks were paved over. There's something absolutely fascinating about them being dug up after all this time, though.

Same thing happened when 9th Street in Park Slope was renovated a while back. The trolley tracks were uncovered, dug up and hauled away.
The trolley tracks at Union and Smith sat partially exposed in their asphalt grave for years until the mid '90s, when the city "renovated" Smith Street by replacing the inferior lighting, smoothing over cracked and dangerous sidewalks, and covering up the tracks. This in turn, led to the revival of the street as a commercial desination (albeit eventually swarming with restaurants replacing mom and pops and shuttered businesses) not just during the day but in the evenings as well.
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