Brooklinks: Monday Memorial Day Edition

Brooklinks is a daily selection of Brooklyn-related information and images. Enjoy your Memorial Day!
- Memorial Day Graffiti [Brooklyn Ramblings]
- Pirate Marty Makes CB6 Walk the Plank [No Land Grab]
- Sunset on Pacific Street [Brit in Brooklyn]
- Bicycle [Chicapoquita/flickr]
- Ball Playin [Atomische]
- Delicatessen, Clinton Street [seriously excited!]
- Sideshow School Photos--Breathing Fire [Coney Island Reporter]
- Coney Island Boys [Park Slope Street Photography]
- Vines and Walls [Big Sky Brooklyn]
- A Bike Ride to Coney Island on Ocean Avenue [Built Environment Blog]
- Crown Heights Hospital Will Not be Home of Atlantic Yards Affordable Housing [AYR]
- Bio Diesel Plant May Come to Greenpoint on Newtown Creek [NYT]
- Dumbo Links of the Week [Dumbo NYC]
- Capacity Crowd Brews Up Plans for Greenpoint/Williamsburg Greenway [INSIJS]
- East River State Park Day One Update [INSIJS]
- Soldier Serving in Iraq Emerges as Proponent of Spurned Brooklyn Arabic School [NYP]
- Zipcars Come to Kensington [Kensington Brooklyn]
- Opening Day at Gerritsen Kiddie Beach with Parade [GerritsenBeach.Net]
- Upgrade the Outdated Returnable Bottle Bill [I'm Seeing Green]
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