Brooklinks: Thursday Food & Views Edition

Brooklinks is a daily selection of Brooklyn-related information and images.
A Couple of Bites:
- Wednesday Food and Drink Roundup [Brooklyn Record]
- Donna Da Vine Patio Open on Atlantic Ave. [Eater]
- Finally, a Sit Down Kensington Restaurant: Thai Tony's [Gothamist]
- Back to the Red Hook Ball Fields: Vaquero Elotes [Pork Chop Express]
- Outdoor Dining in Brighton Beach & Sheepshead Bay [Chowhound]
- The White Wonder of Prospect Park [Englishman in New York]
- Why Does Park Slope Stink Today? [OTBKB]
- Talking About Eminent Domain [AYR]
- Brooklyn's 2007 Judicial Races [Daily Gotham]
- DOB's New Interesting in Waging War on Mosquitoes [Brownstoner]
- When Park Slopers Demanded a Safer Ninth Street [Streets Blog]
- 110 Livington Street, the Development [Sun]
- Thoughts About Kensington Gentrification [Lornagrl]
- Clinton Hill Celebrity News [Clinton Hill Blog]
- Hate to Say It, but Bed-Stuy is Dirty [Bed-Stuy Blog]
- Initial Siren Fest Lineup [Brooklyn Vegan]
- Springtime in Coney Island, Circa 1944 [Kinetic Carnival]
- Stoopendous Coming to a Stoop Near You in June [Dope on the Slope]
- More on the Hamptons Jitney Brooklyn Stops [NYP]
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