Disconnected in Brooklyn on Craigslist: Pole Dance

We Shared the Pole - w4m - 25Honorable Mention:
I got on the R at 59th on thursday morning around 8:30am. You were already there standing close to the door. We both switched to the N at 36th. We shared the same pole. I couldn't tell if you were looking at me or not, but it seemed like we were both inching closer to the pole. Every time the train jerked your jacket would brush my hand. I'm sure it's stupid, and you'll never read this, but if that's the case- where's the harm? You were wearing nice jeans, a button-down white shirt and a black jack and got off at Atlantic/Pacific; thus ending my chance to at least smile at you.
Big Hair, I Know You're the One
Labels: Missed Connections
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