There is another important community meeting tonight about the
surprisingly contentious plan to put
bike lanes and other traffic calming measures on Ninth Street in Park Slope. You might remember that the Department of Transportation has a plan to redo Ninth Street with bike lanes in both directions and by installing turning lanes for cars.
Community Board 6's Transportation Committee is meeting again tonight to take up the issue. The Committee had voted to support the Department of Transportation Plan, but
it was sent back by the full Community Board for further consideration. Advocates of the plan are urging bicyclists and supporters to turn out and show their support for the plan. DOT doesn't need approval to go forward, but a vocal opposition could still derail the plan. The meeting takes place tonight at Old First Church in Park Slope at 6:30PM. The church at at Carroll Street and Seventh Avenue. Streets Blog offers an interesting
item recounting how the plan came to be in the first place, with demands by residents to make the intersection of Eighth Avenue and Ninth Street safer after a car drove into the front of Dizzy's.
Related Post:Community Board Six Punts on Ninth Street Bike LanesLabels: Park Slope, Transportation
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