Thursday, May 24, 2007

Whole Foods Gowanus Plans Are Not Approved

Whole Foods Roof

[Photo courtesy of Denton Taylor via Curbed]

Silly us. We thought that the activity pictured last week at the Whole Foods site and the construction trailer we noted yesterday indicated that the project had a green light. It doesn't. There are no demolition permits in place and plans for the building were disapproved by the Department of Buildings on May 17. We don't know the reason for the disapproval--it is most likely something technical. However, as the commenter that brought this to our attention noted, any demolition or construction work going on at the site would be taking place without permits and that is, well, you know, doing work without a permit. If it were taking place, which we're not saying it is. We assume that the gentlemen in the blue hazmat type suits spotted on the roof last week were doing something totally within the bounds of what is allowed.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, son.
In a couple years you'll be shopping for spelt there.
And enjoying it.

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously?!?! they are in suits because they are probably cleaning up stuff before demolition.

no other company would have put the money or time in to cleaning up the brown zone that is that entire area of gowanus, the absurd hatred of whole foods by "i only shop at trader joe's" hipsters is ridiculous.

12:25 PM  

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