Community Meeting About Brooklyn's Retail Jail

If you're wondering what's going to happen with the city's plan to reopen, add retail space to and double the population of the Brooklyn House of Detention on Atlantic Avenue, there's a Community Meeting on Thursday (6/21). The meeting will take place at 7:00PM, at the Belarusian Church, 401 Atlantic Avenue (Atlantic and Bond). Corrections Commissioner Martin Horn will be the principal speaker. Community groups and affected residents make up the Stakeholder’s Group, which is hosting this event, including the Atlantic Avenue Betterment Association, the Boerum Hill Association, 53 Boerum Place, the Atlantic Avenue LDC, Brooklyn Vision Foundation and the Brooklyn Heights Association. According to the email for the forum:
This event will provide Commissioner Martin Horn a community-wide forum to present the DOC’s plans to reopen the currently closed Brooklyn House of Detention, and plans to expand the inmate capacity of the HOD -- from 759 to 1,479 -- in a new facility on State Street. The Commissioner’s presentation will be followed by a panel discussion, and those attending will be given an opportunity to present questions and comments.The city has requests "expressions of interest" from developers interested in participating in the project.
Related Post:
Meet the Really Big House on Atlantic Avenue
Labels: Brooklyn Detention Center
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