Disconnected in Brooklyn on Craigslist: Dude, You Were Stoned

You got on after Fulton, at some point, (i think) and off at metropolatin ave. I cant spell it, and i don't care. You mumbled something at first- I thought you had an ipod on, but took a quick glance up and you didn't. Maybe hes a moaner i thought. You had on sunglasses jeans and some kind of shirt that didn't have too much in the way of sleeves and tattoos that were mainly black and looked like outlines to me. Id say you were 23. I was reading the most awful story to my kid about a unwanted cat in a zoo that the zoo-keeper adopts. I kept having to say "scat scat cat". She had blond hair and I had brown.Excellent!
You mumbled something about golden books and I pointed out the one I had was pretty old. You lifted your sunglasses and I was pretty amazed how FUCKING RED a persons eyes could be. But you said you enjoyed my story.
I then thought about inviting you to my house to fuck but no, of course you lived in hipster land, and i live in queens. And oh yea, its hard to be smooth that way in front of your kid. Im pretty sure we wouldn't like each other afterwards, but for some reason, I really want to violate someone that liked my golden book story.
Labels: Missed Connections
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