Say What: Partial One Way Edition

Which way? One way? Nah. Just, way. This example of construction-related diminished signage is brought to us by the development tentatively known as Seven Berry, at N. 7th and Berry, in Williamsburg. If you've been by the corner lately, you know it for its pink wallboard surrounded by blue netting because its been in that condition for what seems like forever. Regardless, North Brooklyn's intrepid Dog Shit Queen hit us off with this photo, just like she did with an earlier shot of a stop sign for fifteen-foot-tall people at this very same development. Attention New York City Department of Transportation: Construction is seriously messing with some of your signage, and in a way that does not seem to improve driver or pedestrian safety. Or do is this kind of think okay (until the Daily News does a story about it)?
Related Post:
Say What?: Williamsburg Stop Sign Edition
Labels: Signs Under Siege, Williamsburg
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