Living Dangerously, Part I: Precarious Masonry Edition

Now, we're not structural engineers, but we're not entirely morons either and what you are looking at, which was submitted to us by the tireless and very attentive Dog Shit Queen of Greenpoint, does raise some alarm bells. It's the front of a building at 176 West Street in Greenpoint. Miss Heather writes, with uncharacteristic restraint:
Perhaps I am being an alarmist, but this does not look structurally sound.Indeed.

Labels: Construction Issues, Greenpoint
While I can't see with great detail, this appears to be an acceptable shoring method. The masonry above is supported on the steel lintel (beam) visible below. The wood appears sufficient to transfer the load of the face brick & stone headers which are no doubt tied to the backup masonry behind.
U r a moron who doesnt know a damn thing about a fucking thing except being a pain in the ass. You Fuckin Idiot!!!
Stick to the hats of lost children and writing about blue construction walls.
Your knowledge of masonry techniques leaves a lot to be desired.
Ever do any physical work?
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