Ninth Street Park Slope Bike Lanes Being Installed

Remember that Ninth Street traffic calming project, including new bike lanes for Ninth Street in Park Slope? The Department of Transportation said it was going to go ahead with the project in July and, lo and behold, the work has started. The photo above shows the beginning of the bike lanes that will run down Ninth Street from Prospect Park West. There's more to come: travel lanes will be reduced from two in each direction to one each way, with left turn lanes being installed at intersections.
You might recall that debate over the bike lanes stretched out over several months and resulted in a fair amount of shouting and name calling, and several meetings and votes by Community Board 6. The Community Board finally voted to endorse the plan, but by surprisingly narrow margin.
Related Post:
Park Slope 9th Street Bike Lanes Endorsed
Labels: Park Slope, Transportation
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