Aviator Sports Center Doesn't Like Breast Feeding

The mother of a seven-week-old infant is steamed after workers at Floyd Bennett Field swooped down when she began breast-feeding, the woman said. A female manager and a male security guard pressed Jessica Richards, 31, to stop breast-feeding her infant son, Liam, in public and move to a filthy bathroom - before she was pressured to move into an isolated corner, Richards said.There's more detail to the story, so do read it in full."I was humiliated," she said of last Thursday's incident at the Aviator Sports and Recreation Center. "They made me feel like I was some pervert putting on a show."
Richards' ordeal began last week when the Bay Ridge resident took Liam and his brother, Eamon, 3, to the Flatbush Ave. recreation center to play in a children's gymnasium. When Liam became hungry, Richards sat down within view of a surveillance camera and began breast-feeding the baby - only to be stopped by the female manager and a male security guard...
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