South Slope's "Vue" Petition Goes Online

Like any good Brooklyn neighborhood effort, the one to ask for "responsible and lawful development" in the South Slope and at 162 16th Street (aka the Vue) quickly morphed into an online effort. As to the Vue, the iPetition says:
Please help ensure the safety and security of our community in the face of the disregard demonstrated by the developer, Barry Katz/Issac Katan of 162 16th Street, Brooklyn, NY aka "VUE." Our points outline above in this multi-neighborhood petition are outlined as specific examples of the illegal activity that Mr. Katz and Mr. Katan have violated, destroying the quality of life of our community at 162 16th Street, Brooklyn, NY. (92 311 complaints / 18 DOB violations / 14 ECB violations / Countless "stop work orders).Mr. Katan, whose projects and tactics have not endeared him to some residents in the South Slope is also one of the developers behind the massive New Domino proposal in Williamsburg. The entire petition can be viewed and/or signed by clicking here.
Labels: Construction Issues, South Slope
Lets get one thing straight -Before all the shills start BS-ing about the agenda of those who have signed or been involved with this petition - There are 2 agenda's at play here:
The Katans of the world have theirs - Rape and pillage at the expense of others.
The petitioners agenda.
-To protect those that are being raped and pillaged.
I guess the question for this blog is simple - who's agenda do we all chose to support?
I say we all sign the petition to rid the world of the Katan and Boymelgreens.
2 agenda's:
The Katans of the world have theirs - Rape and pillage at others expense. The purpose of the petitioners, it seems is to ask for some protection for those that are being raped and pillaged.
I guess the question for this blog is simple - who's agenda do we all chose to support?
Bo, you build this stuff during the day. What are you complaining about? is this a personal agenda?
we as neighbors want this project!!
i recently walked by these buildings on 16th street and I cannot understand what this petition is for. these are great buildings, the vue seems like it has a beutiful design and garden as do some of the others. what is this petition for with only 6 people signed.
great looking building!!
what does shills,rape,pillage have to do with real estate?
It sounds like someone is just fustrated, keep up theses great projects.
we in the community ask that these buildings stay. we love them.
Touched a nerve?
Profits going down?
Being able to oppress and take advantage of others doesn't compensate for your lack of character.
"these are great buildings, the vue seems like it has a beutiful design and garden" 3:07pm
And to what extent? The destruction of a neighborhood? 4 years of head ache and heart ache for hundreds of people?
Obviously to line the pockets of a select be enjoyed by a select few who can afford these shit boxes.
Enjoy your garden in good conscious. (and PS, not to be petty, but please learn how to spell...$$ does not equate education I guess)
Mr's Katz & Katan (the developers of this Thing - for those who don't know. Also the authors of everything good about the project and everything bad about those who oppose it),
Why don't you stop hiding. Stop the personal attacks and start answering for your actions.
Deal with the facts -
Yes I don't like it but that is no reason for somebody to avoid buying it. Unless of course my opinion matters to someone more than yours.
What does matter are the facts.
When people ask me about this, or any structure, the first thing I tell them is to do there home work. Don't take my (or any ones) opinion.
Find out who the Developers & Architects are and find out their track record - In this case all BAD.
Check their other projects. Speak to people who own other projects built by the same people. In this case you can find many of them on the court calender waiting to sue.
Talk to the neighbors and ask about there relationship and dealings with the Developer.
In this case you have chosen to ignore all inquiries and requests to address the concerns of the community.
You have purposefully bullied and abused the community.
Remember what you told the old woman who asked about the size of this building? You told her "If you don't like it you can move"
What about what you told me when I asked you to sit down and discuss some issues.
You said "I don't have to sit down with anyone in this community... "
Is that being a good neighbor?
These are the things that should matter to a potential buyer.
Not your personal attacks on me or even my opinion of you.
I don't want publicity or to be famous. For what? Wasting thousands of dollars and many man hours trying to make sure that those that are paid by my tax dollars are doing what they are paid for and not the personal whims of the rich. I am definitely not doing it for money.
What I want is what's right. I want to teach my child and every child that money is not the only thing that matters in this world.
Like I said before - All the money in the world won't give you character or make you right.
Stop the personal attacks and start addressing the issues.
Your Buddy
Bottom Line
The developer, Katan, has cashed in on a vulnerable community. There is little $ and time to fight big money. They know it. That's why they're here. The few that are willing to fight for a voice for the community should be admired and supported. The playing field is not level. If the developers had any integrity they would be willing to negotiate with the community. They should offer, at least , to pay the legal bills for the 182 15th St BSA fight that they lost. It was proven at the BSA that they lied, not only to the community, but to the DOB and to the BSA. The only reason 162 went up, was because it was vested, and therefore the community would have had to sue the city to force the DOB to rescind their decision, that we believed was illegal.( just like 182)
This is ridiculous, honestly. The building is vested it's not going anywhere so what is the point of this other than to drum up some twisted sort of attention? The bsa and the dob have signed off on the building other than one open violation that I can see on the dob website. I bought a unit here and I'm happy, is this neighborhood only for you? You should have done this when you had the chance to change the zoning earlier, it changed but this one was vested. Your fight seems whiny and a wast of time, why not fight things you have a chance of winning? And something like 60% of the building is sold, so some of us like it!
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