Fart Fest #2: Fartus Interuptus Just in TIme?

Williamsburg's Giant Fart Cloud Building is gone, collapsed into a heap of bricks and splintered wood on Roebling Street, across from the Roebling Oil Building (aka Warehouse 11). The Department of Buildings halted the demolition because it was going forward in an unsafe way. Blogger Bad Advice had emailed us last Thursday, saying that residents in her building were terrified by the demolition via heavy equipment and fearful their building would damaged and that they would be rendered homeless. The photo above shows that the fear may not have been unfounded and also shows some of the phone lines that were ripped down during the demolition. There's additional detail in the photo below and a wide view of the scene as well.

Labels: Construction Issues, Williamsburg
Thanks for writing about this. I'm positive your publicizing it has given us the couple days of relative peace we've been enjoying. I even have internet again—thank god!
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