On the Sofa: GL Reader Comments

Carroll Gardens News: Monteleone's Up for Sale. "The true Monteleone's died back in 2006 when they shuttered it for renovation. That place was a gem, and the people who worked there were great. When it reopened all the charm was gone, from the place and the people. The service was surly and terrible, and the clientele, who seemed to drive in from Goombaland, used to stare at the local residents like they had two heads." [Anonymous]
Carroll Gardens News: Monteleone's Up for Sale. "Yes Carroll Gardens is most certainly dead. It will soon look very very very bland. I heard even Carroll Park is up for sale too. They want to put like 2000 new units on it linked to the Toll Brothers development on Bond Street with a skyway. This would give CG a kind of Minneapolis feel and keep all those thousands of new residents off the street where they won't fit anyhow. Nobody will need the subway." [Anonymous]
Another Building Going Up on N. 10 Street. "What are the japanese tourists going to do not being able to take pictures of those hearts?" [Anonymous]
The Great Park Slope Hating Debate, Part 134. "People hate on Park Slope because that's what people do. Hate on stuff. Where's the fun in espousing the positive of something or of some place? Hating makes for good reading. Just look at Joyce or Bukowski. It's not just Park Slope either. People hate on every single neighborhood in this city. People hate no matter what city they are in. This is not news. You have to admit that reading all the hate is just as much fun if not more than reading the police blotter." [Bryan]
New "Movement" Developing in Gowanus & Carroll Gardens? "Once again, NIMBY central on The Gowanus Lounge. Out of curiosity, has there *ever* been a new development profiled on this site with anything other than outright horror? God forbid anyone builds any additional housing in this city - good thing there isn't, you know, a housing shortage." [Anonymous]
Labels: On the Sofa
You missed this property posting for sale:
Boymelgreen’s Gowanus Village Property For Sale at $27 Million
by Linda Collins (), published online 02-25-2008
GOWANUS — The Brooklyn Eagle has learned that Boymelgreen Developers’ Gowanus Village property is back on the market.
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