A possible Apple store has been bandied about for many locations in Brooklyn, including the Edge in Williamsburg and various locations downtowns. So far, they've only been rumors. Well,
ifoAppleStore confirms that inside sources say Apple will be opening two NYC stores. One will be at 23 Wall Street and the other...will be in Brooklyn:
Real estate and other insiders have confirmed previous reports that Apple will open two additional street-level stores in New York City. The company will open its first store in Brooklyn, in the Williamsburg section of the borough. The exact location of the store isn’t known, but the New York Post has speculated on Albee Square, One Hanson Place or the Municipal Building at 345 Adams Street, while others point The Edge, a future development at North 6th Street and Kent Avenue.
The mystery continues.
Would it be crazy to think they'd put the store in the development behind Kellog's Diner at Union/Keap/Metropolitan? It'd be right at the L/G stop then.
no foot traffic at the edge. i bet one hanson or adams. anyway they do it, i'm closer to the soho store.
That blows. You'd have more traffic for the store in the downtown brooklyn area and every major subway goes through there. Nothing goes to Williamsburg. It's the red-headed stepchild of Brooklyn. Most will probably just hit the Wall St. one.
Imagine the buttheaded hipsters they'll get to staff it if it's in Williamsburg. It'll make the guys at TekServe look like geniuses.
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