City Now Threatening to Demolish Broken Angel
This is a heartbreaking and infuriating story and, even though most of you probably don't need us to tell you about something that was on Gothamist, it just makes us feel better to reproduce the email they posted:
We had a meeting on Friday with the Department of Buildings. We were told that they would begin demolition on the building in 3 weeks from now, if we do not submit plans by an architect/engineer to bring the building to code. The city would do the work and then place a lean on the property. To have the city do the work would zero out the value of the property and leave my parents with nothing. We understand that the Department of Buildings is in a difficult situation, as there are some safety concerns with the building. We are attempting to comply with the Department of Buildings, and would like to submit plans as soon as we can get an architect/ engineer on board. If any qualified individuals are willing to work with us in this short time frame we would very much appreciate it. I can be contacted at truly hope that someone can help frame a compromise, common sense solution.
As an aside, we certainly hope that the Department of Buildings would move with the same deliberation to protect the thousands of Brooklynites whose quality of life is negatively impacted every day by construction practices that routinely violate city regs and that injure people.
[Photo courtesy silk cut/flickr]
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