Empire State Development Corporation sent out Atlantic Yards condemnation notifications on December 8 addressed to "
Dear Interested Party."
The Ratnergram letter, which appears here in a form too small to read, basically notifies the "Interested Party" or parties that the ESDC has authorized the use of eminent domain to acquire land for the Atlantic Yards project. (You can view the PDF of the letter by clicking here, in case you are simply a curious party rather than an interested one. Even if you are a vaguely interested bystander who enjoys reading tormented bureaucratic legalisms.) Develop Don't Destroy--one of the most interested of the parties involved--writes: "For all those elected officials (for example our Public Advocate whose spokesman said "If eminent domain is part of the project she's not supporting it.") and un-elected ones, who said eminent domain would not be used for "Atlantic Yards," your notice is below. Now watcha gonna do?"
Tenants, residents and business owners
have until January 11 to file legal action against the taking of property.
Now, try to picture what
Sheldon Silver's e-mail inbox is looking like right about now.
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