Splasher Strikes Again Across Williamsburg

The street art vandal known as the Splasher has struck again in Williamsburg, splashing white pain on street art and ads on N. 6th Street, Kent, Berry, Wythe and other locations around the neighborhood. In contrast to the aqua and maroon paint used in earlier splashings, the new splashings were done with white paint. At first, on N. 6th Street, we wondered if the splashings were the result of a Copycat Splasher, but a look at 184 Kent, where another of the Splasher's screeds pasted on defaced street art confirmed that the white paint splashings were indeed the work of the Splasher.
It appears that the Splasher is particularly targeting the work of Faile and Swoon. We almost hesitate to say it, but he appears to have ignored the work of another artist that has been appearing around Williamsburg.
Street artists have already struck back on N. 6th Street (look below or click here), which is becoming the scene of a bizarre tit-for-tat, back-and-forth war between street artists and the street art vandal.
More sad splashings below.

184 Kent Avenue

Wythe Avenue


184 Kent
don't you hate when vandals ruin vandalism?
i hate to say it, but i agree with 80% of the splashers' screed. if swoon has a right to post stuff, then, i guess, per the law of the street, spalsher has a right to deface it. interesting power struggle. i think the splasher will win the ideological war, but swoon (and others) will win the hearts and minds of the (bourjois) public.
Come on, can't anyone catch this pretentious ass in the act?
There's no point in arguing with some fool who thinks Swoon is a vandal, on par with idiot taggers; if you can't tell the difference, then I'm not speaking to you. This comment is for those who actually appreciate the work being ruined by this juvenile psuedo-intellectual spoiler. We either add or subtract to the world...and I think it's pretty clear Swoon et al are adding and the Splasher is subtracting.
Isn't it interesting how the Splasher uses silly almost-Dada art-history-speak in his/her indictments. Splasher, you're the worst example of what you criticize.
what would happen if he was caught? citizen's arrest? should he be treated differently than, say, Banksy?
some graffiti is - of course - better than others. but none of it is legitimate.
technically they are both vandals. if you don't want someone to go over your work then learn to climb or put your stuff inside the buildings (ie a gallery). revs never had this problem.
Some of us don't like or feel any need to tolerate vandalism and graffiti in any form, regardless of whether others consider it "street art." If it has not been commissioned by the owner of the property, it is vandalism. The law sees it that way, and the law is right to see it that way. There is no gray in this. This is not about "adding" or "subtracting" to the neighborhood. This is simply about competing vandals.
The splasher is just a flash in the pan. It is probably some crappy artist that just had his first art history course at pratt and now thinks he is going to start a new dadaesque movement. Too bad there are a few pieces that were destroyed that i enjoyed.
i hope someone catches this splasher and gives him a beat down
The big Dewarism advertisement in Williamsburg on the corner of Bedford and Grand was also recently splashed. Though the team behind that ad worked hard to cover it up qucker than former NYCTA president David Gunn's anti-graffiti campaign in the late 80's.
Personally, I admire the splasher. He is no more backwards than any other street artist. Maybe he is actually more forward and ahead in this game (is anyone keeping score, how many splashings are there in total? I'd like to know.).And I like him even more for splashing all the Shepherd Fairey self-flagellations around Williamsburg. The splasher is a vigilante against excessive self-promotion.
Andy Warhol would turn in his grave.
Oh dear! Mr Splasher, what a XXXX.
This is only a hunch, but, I think it's safe to say that "the Splasher" is more than one person (wheat-pasted calling-cards and all). Trend following comes as easy as slipping on those fasionably-untied Nike dunks after waking up at the crack of noon for most.
That was stereotyping.....done in a sarcastic manner, by the way, no offense meant...it's just easier that way.... being sarcastic, that is....what was I trying to say?
This is only a hunch, but, I think it's safe to say that "the Splasher" is more than one person (wheat-pasted calling-cards and all). Trend following comes as easy as slipping on those fasionably-untied Nike dunks after waking up at the crack of noon for most.
That was stereotyping.....done in a sarcastic manner, by the way, no offense meant...it's just easier that way.... being sarcastic, that is....what was I trying to say?
This is only a hunch, but, I think it's safe to say that "the Splasher" is more than one person (wheat-pasted calling-cards and all). Trend following comes as easy as slipping on those fasionably-untied Nike dunks after waking up at the crack of noon for most.
That was stereotyping.....done in a sarcastic manner, by the way, no offense meant...it's just easier that way.... being sarcastic, that is....what was I trying to say?
this is funny on both ends... the admittedly sub par street art (save for assumptions) that is williamsburg, greenpoint, bushwick etc..and the veiled (or they would probably prefer underground) alternate solution by the same in the microsoft word thesauras ridden situationist dribble (or whatever they want to be) ...both are fantasizing about being part of movements whose pioneers would laugh at...go rub your genitals together and destroy yourselves..i will try to do the same
this is funny on both ends... the admittedly sub par street art (save for assumptions) that is williamsburg, greenpoint, bushwick etc..and the veiled (or they would probably prefer underground) alternate solution by the same in the microsoft word thesauras ridden situationist dribble (or whatever they want to be) ...both are fantasizing about being part of movements whose pioneers would laugh at...go rub your genitals together and destroy yourselves..i will try to do the same
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