Park of Ikea's Great Blue Wall Comes Down & Reveals... Another Blue Wall

It may be mundane, but we're fascinated by the Great Blue Wall of Beard Street because it's so freaking huge. What you're looking at in this photo sent our way by Chris Curen (who also submitted yesterday's excellent photo of the burned out car on Beard Street in front of the Ikea) is part of Big Blue coming down. Like the Berlin Wall before it, the outer wall appears to have an inner wall. We can hardly remember the time when Beard Street was lined by the Todd Shipyard buildings. Oh, wait. That was only 18 months ago.
And behind that wall . . . another blue wall, unto infinity. You're freakin' me out, man!
This is the blog to go to for blue wall news.
Whether it's painted plywood or zippered-up police, The Gowanus Lounge is the place for you!
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