Miss Heather is fed up and it turns out that the straw that broke the camel's back was a
New York Post photo of and article about some street sneakers she'd found and featured a couple of weeks ago. "I haven’t been schooled in
Blog-Trolling 101— which is clearly one of the tricks of the trade print journalists employ nowadays. Why bother finding this stuff on your own when a blogger can do it for you? For free, no less! It’s like having hundreds of involuntary unpaid interns at your every point and click. Ingenious!"--
New York ShittyLabels: Shortlink
"Why bother finding this stuff on your own when a blogger can do it for you? For free, no less! It’s like having hundreds of involuntary unpaid interns at your every point and click. Ingenious!"
Sounds like what the WNBC-TV guys said to youse Brooklyn bloggers last year -- give us information and video -- for free!
Suckers ...
Unfortunately for Miss Heather, here blog's name is unprintable in the paper. Although they could have credited her like "local blogger tipped us off" or something like that.
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