New Nabe Group: The Windsor Terrace Alliance

There's a new neighborhood group in town. It's called the Windsor Terrace Alliance and it's been set up talk about community issues like development, edcuation, traffic safety and other important quality of life issues. The group's website can be found here. The group lists it priorities as:
For more info, head over to the website.
- Expanded Education and Child Care: pushing for a new middle school in or near the neighborhood and more day care.
- Traffic Safety and Parking: working towards implementation of traffic calming measures and monitoring the potential impact on WT of the proposed residential parking permits for residents of Park Slope (this may be part of the congestion pricing plan).
- Appropriate Residential Development: monitoring new development throughout WT to assure that it is in keeping with the scale of the neighborhood.
- Environmental Education: providing information on different environmental programs such as choice of utility.
- Neighborhood Beautification: slotted for spring 2008.
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