Williamsburg Preservation Group Changes Its Name

The Waterfront Preservation Alliance of Greenpoint and Williamsburg is changing its name. The group, which we like to call the WPA (which in turns reminds us a Depression Era public works projects) is changing its name to the Williamsburg Greenpoint Preservation Alliance. According to the newly-minted WGPA (which we'll probably mis-type as WPGA more than once):
This new name reflects our mission as a neighborhood preservation advocacy organization, and confirms our commitment all of Williamsburg & Greenpoint area, not just the waterfront.Remember to change those bookmarks. The domain switch has already been made.
The first incarnation of this change will be the switch of our domain name from waterfrontalliance.org to wgpa.us, which will take effect in the next couple of days. We expect that both domains might be unavailable for a day or so, but we will be back as wgpa.us very shortly. Once we return, there may some residual weirdness, as pointers point to non-existent points. But all of that should be ironed out fairly quickly.
Waterfrontalliance.org will not go away, however. It will reappear very soon as the new web home of the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance (currently located at waterwire.net). This excellent group's mission is advocacy for the city's 500+ miles of waterfront, so the domain name is far more fitting for them than us.
Labels: Historic Preservation, Williamsburg
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