Navy Yard Ghosts: A Look at Building 128

Of all the place in Brooklyn harboring industrial ghosts, we find the Brooklyn Navy Yard one of the most riveting. Photographer Nathan Kensinger, who has been inside many old industrial structures, offers up a look inside Building 128, most of which will be replaced by a food processing facility. Building 128, which dates from 1899, was used to build "large boiler engines and fabricated sections of naval vessels." Mr. Kensinger's photos are probably the last look inside the huge, century-old building before it comes down. It would be great if the Navy Yard Development Corp. allowed photographers and others inside to document the history that is there for future generations. There had been some discussion last year when a tour of the facility was rapidly filled leaving dozens of frustrated people unable to get in of organizing regular visits for the public. We wonder what the status of that is. It's a great idea, a way for the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corp. to generate good will and a way to share the history of an important Brooklyn place with many people.
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